Historia e Barcelones .
Faqja 1 e 1
Historia e Barcelones .
On the 29th of November 1899, Joan Gamper founded the Football Club Barcelona ( Barēa) . Mė 29 nėntor 1899, Joan Gamper themeluar Klubi Futbollit Barcelona (Barēa). Gamper chose the famous blue and claret as the team colours for they are the colours of the Swiss canton he came from. Gamper zgjodhi blu e famshme dhe verė e kuqe, si ngjyrat e ekipit pėr ata janė ngjyrat e kantonit zviceran ai erdhi nga. The myth was born: Kubala, Suįrez, Cruyff, Maradona and Ronaldinho, among many others, have signed up for this Club. Miti ka lindur: Kubala, Suįrez, Cruyff, Maradona dhe Ronaldinho, nė mesin e shumė tė tjerė, kanė nėnshkruar pėr kėtė Club. During the 20th century, "Barēa" has become a Barcelona symbol, a symbol that represents the Catalan identity as a nation. Gjatė shekullit tė 20, "Barēa" ėshtė bėrė njė simbol i Barcelonės, njė simbol qė pėrfaqėson identitetin Katalonje si njė komb. That's why it is said that "Barēa" is more than a Club. Kjo ėshtė arsyeja pse thuhet se "Barēa" ėshtė mė shumė se njė Club.[/b] THE MYTH IS BORN Mit ĖSHTĖ LINDUR
the Solé Gym office, on the 29th of November 1899, Gamper met Gualteri
Wild, Lluķs d'Ossó, Bartomeu Terrados, Otto Kunzle, Otto Maier, Enric
Ducal, Pere Cabot, Carles Pujol, Josep Llobet, John Parsons and William
Parsons. Nė zyrėn palestėr Sole, mė 29 nėntor 1899, Gamper u
takua Gualteri Wild, Lluķs d'Ossó, Bartomeu Terrados, Oto Kunzle, Otto
Maier, Enric Ducal, Pere Cabot, Carles Pujol, Josep Llobet, Xhon Parsons
dhe William Parsons. Eleven sportsmen gathered in order to found a football club. Njėmbėdhjetė sportistė u mblodhėn pėr tė gjetur njė klub futbolli. Gualteri Wild was appointed President. Gualteri Wild u emėrua President. The
1st match contested was at the Bonanova Cycle Track and they played
against a group of English expatriates who were living in Barcelona .
1 ndeshje kontestuar ishte nė Track Cikli Bonanova dhe ata luajtur
kundėr njė grup i gjuhės angleze e emigrantėve qė jetonin nė Barcelonė. The Englishmen won 1-0. Englishmen fitoi 1-0. On the 14th of March 1909, the Club inaugurated its 1st own ground at c/Indśstria, with a capacity for 6,000 people. Nė 14 mars 1909, Klubi i inauguroi vetė 1 e vet nė terren c / Indśstria, me njė kapacitet pėr 6.000 njerėz. At
that time, the Barcelona FC obtained their first victories: The Catalan
Championships: 1909-10, 1910-11, 1912-13, 1915-16, 1918-19 1919-20,
1920-21, 1921-22 and the Spanish Championships: 1909-10, 1911-12,
1912-13, 1919-20 and 1921-22. Nė atė kohė, FC Barcelona marrė
fitoret e tyre tė parė: kampionatin Katalonje: 1909-10, 1910-11,
1912-13, 1915-16, 1918-19 1919-20, 1920-21, 1921-22 dhe kampionatit
spanjoll : 1909-10, 1911-12, 1912-13, 1919-20 dhe 1921-22.
The Les Corts ground (also known as "The Cathedral of Football") was inaugurated on the 20th of May 1922. Terren Corts Les (e njohur edhe si "Katedralja e Futbollit") u pėrurua mė 20 maj 1922. That stadium had an initial capacity of 30,000 spectators but later doubled to 60,000. Ky stadium ka njė kapacitet fillestar prej 30.000 spektatorėsh, por mė vonė dyfishuar nė 60,000. In 1924 the Club had already 12,207 members and a big number of supporters laid the foundations of the current social mass. Nė 1924 kishte Klubi tashmė 12.207 anėtarė dhe njė numėr i madh i pėrkrahėsve tė hedhur themelet e mases aktuale sociale. During
the season 1928-1929, Barēa won brilliantly the 1st edition of the
Spanish National League Title and ended, therefore, a period full of
titles. Gjatė sezonit 1928-1929, Barēa fitoi edicionin e
shkėlqyeshėm 1 Titulli i Lidhjes Kombėtare spanjisht dhe pėrfundoi, pra,
njė periudhė plot me tituj. [b]THE 30'S 30'S
Joan Gamper died on the 30th of July 1930. Joan Gamper vdiq mė 30 korrik 1930. The
decade which was about to start had a fatal beginning and the Club
entered a period of decline: institutional crisis, many members left the
Club, bad sports results and the Franco's supporters political
pressure. Dekadė qė ishte gati tė fillojnė kishte njė fillim dhe
fatale Klubi hyrė nė njė periudhė rėnie: kriza institucionale, shumė
anėtarė tė majtė Club sportive keq rezultatet dhe mbėshtetėsit Franko
presion politik. The Civil War in 1936 had disastrous consequences for the FC Barcelona . Lufta civile nė 1936 pati pasoja shkatėrruese pėr FC Barcelona. Josep Suńol, President of the Club, was murdered by Franco's soldiers near Guadalajara. Josep Suńol, President i Klubit, u vra nga ushtarėt e Frankos pranė Guadalajara. However,
the Barēa kept alive and in 1936 decided to go on tour around Mexico
and the USA, fact that would help the Club financial problems.
Megjithatė, Barēa mbajtur gjallė dhe nė 1936 vendosi qė tė shkojė nė
turne rreth Meksika dhe SHBA-ve, fakt qė do tė ndihmojė problemet Club
financiare. In March 1938 the fascists dropped a bomb on the FC Barcelona Social Club and cause serious damage. Nė mars 1938 fashistėve rėnė njė bombė Club FC Barcelona sociale dhe shkaktojnė dėme serioze. In 1939, the Franco's troops created many problems to the Club because it had already become a symbol to the Catalan people.
Nė vitin 1939, trupat e Frankos krijuar probleme shumė tė Klubit sepse
ajo tashmė ishte bėrė njė simbol pėr popullin katalanisht. The number of members also dropped to 3,486. Numri i anėtarėve tė rėnė nė 3.486.
LA COPA LATINA (The Latin Cup) LA Copa LATINA (Kupa Latin)
During the 40's, Barēa gradually recovered despite their internal difficulties. Gjatė 40's, Barēa gradualisht veten pavarėsisht nga vėshtirėsitė e tyre tė brendshme. In
June 1943, the scandalous game against Madrid in the Chamartķn ground,
saw the Barca players threatened by referee and police and Pińeyro, a
fascist supporter, but honestly disgusted at the treatment his team had
received, resigned from the presidency of the Club (which he had held
since 1940). Nė qershor 1943, loja skandaloze kundėr Madridit nė
terren Chamartķn, pa lojtarėt Barēa kėrcėnuar nga arbitri dhe policia
dhe Pińeyro, njė pėrkrahės fashist, por i lodhur sinqerisht nė trajtimin
ekipi i tij kishte marrė, dha dorėheqjen nga presidenca e Klubit (qė
kishte mbajtur qė nga viti 1940). Better times were to come. Herė mė tė mira do tė vijnė. Barēa
won the National League Titles 1944-45, 1947-48 and 1948-49 and the
Latin Cup Title 1949, a competition which preceded the European
Champions Cup Title, the FC Barcelona 1st international success.
Barēa fitoi Lidhjes Kombėtare Titles 1944-45, 1947-48 dhe 1948-49 dhe
1949 Titulli Kupa Latine, njė konkurs qė i parapriu e Kampioneve Kupa
Evropiane Title, FC Barcelona 1 sukses ndėrkombėtar. It was the time of César, Basora, Velasco, Curta, the Gonzalvo brothers, Seguer, Biosca o Ramallets. Ishte koha e César, Basora, Velasco, Curta, vėllezėrit Gonzalvo, Seguer, Biosca o Ramallets. Barēa celebrated their 50th anniversary reaching member numbers of 24,893. Barēa festuan pėrvjetorin e tyre tė 50 tė arritur numrat e anėtar i 24.893. [b]KUBALA Kubala
Ladislao Kubala arrived in Barcelona in June 1950 and made the FC Barcelona become an unbeatable team thanks to their magic forward line: Basora, César, Kubala, Moreno and Manchón. Ladislao Kubala arriti nė Barcelonė, nė qershor 1950 dhe e bėri FC Barcelona tė bėhet njė ekip unbeatable nė sajė tė vijė magji e tyre pėrpara: Basora, César, Kubala, Moreno dhe Manchón. Between
1951 and 1953, Barēa won every competition on offer (Spanish Leagues
1951-52 and 1952-53 and Spanish Cups 1950-51, 1951-52 and 1952-53).
Midis 1951 dhe 1953, Barēa fitoi ēdo konkurs pėr ofertė (spanjisht
Federatat 1951-52 dhe 1952-53 dhe 1950-51 Spanish Cups, 1951-52 dhe
1952-53). From
that golden period, it is important to emphasize the season 1951-52, in
which they obtained the Five Cups: Spanish League, Spanish Cup, Latin
Cup Eva Duarte and Martini Rossi trophies. Nga kjo periudhė e
artė, ėshtė e rėndėsishme tė theksohet sezonin 1951-52, nė tė cilin e
kishin marrė Five Cups: Spanish League spanjisht Cup, latinisht Kupa Eva
Duarte dhe Martini Rossi trofe.
Kubala was too huge a figure for Les Corts and soon Francesc Miró-Sans promoted the building of the , which got inaugurated on the 24th September 1957. Kubala ishte njė figurė shumė e madhe pėr Corts Les dhe sė shpejti Francesc Miro-Sans promovoi ndėrtimin e Stadiumit Nou Camp, i cili u pėrurua mė 24 shtator 1957. The new stadium had a capacity of 90,000. Stadiumi i ri kishte njė kapacitet prej 90,000.Barēa
won the Spanish Leagues 1958-59 and 1959-60, and the Fairs' Cups
1957-1958 and 1959-60, coached by Helenio Herrera with such excellent
players as Kocsis, Czibor, Evaristo, Kubala, Eulogio Martķnez, Suįrez,
Villaverde, Olivella, Gensana, Segarra, Grącia, Vergés and Tejada.
Barēa fitoi Federatat spanjisht 1958-59 dhe 1959-60, dhe me gota tė
Panairet "1957-1958 dhe 1959-60, coached nga Helenio Herrera me lojtarė
tė tillė tė shkėlqyer si Kocsis, Czibor, Evaristo, Kubala, Eulogio
Martķnez, Suįrez, Villaverde, Olivella, Gensana, Segarra, Gracia, Verges
dhe Tejada. The 60's were a period of crisis (they won the Spanish Cups 1963 and 1968 and the Fairs' Cup 1966, only). 60 ishin njė periudhė tė krizės (ata fituan Kupat spanjisht 1963 dhe 1968 dhe Kupa Panairet '1966, vetėm). However, it was then that the sentence "more than a Club" was born. Megjithatė, ajo qė ishte atėherė fjalia "mė shumė se njė Klubi" ėshtė lindur. Barēa was over the sports level: the Club and its colours became a way to defend the Catalan national identity. Barēa ishte mbi nivel sportiv: Klubi dhe ngjyrat e tij u bė njė mėnyrė pėr tė mbrojtur identitetin kombėtar Catalan. [b]CRUYFF CRUYFF
1973, the signing of Dutch Johan Cruyff put the finishing touches to a
golden forward line of Rexach, Asensi, Cruyff, Sotil and Marcial, who
led the league winning side of 1973-74. Nė 1973, nėnshkrimin e
holandez, Johan Cruyff t'i prek pėrfunduar njė linjė e artė pėrpara e
Rexach, Asensi, Cruyff, Sotil dhe Marcial, i cili udhėhoqi fitues anėn e
ligė 1973-74. Coinciding
with the Club's 75th anniversary, there were now 69,566 members, making
it the most powerful sporting club in the World. Pėrkon me 75 vjetorin e Klubit, u tani ka 69.566 anėtarė, duke e bėrė atė klubin mė tė fuqishėm sportive nė Botė. Joan Miró did the commemorative poster of that event Joan Miro bėri poster pėrkujtimore tė kėsaj ngjarje [b]JOSEP LLUĶS NUŃEZ Josep Lluķs Nśńez
In 1978, Josep Lluķs Nśńez became President of the [b]FC Barcelona . Nė vitin 1978, Josep Lluķs Nśńez u bė Presidenti i FC Barcelona. The Club then began a considerable period of social and financial expansion. Klubi pastaj filloi njė periudhė tė konsiderueshme tė zgjerimit sociale dhe financiare. The increase in member numbers reached the 100,000 and many supporter's clubs were founded. Rritja nė numėr arriti nė 100,000 anėtar dhe pėrkrahės shumė klube ishin themeluar. The FC Barcelona was becoming the sports most important entity in the world. FC Barcelona ishte duke u bėrė entitet sportive mė tė rėndėsishme nė botė. Barēa
were also provided with emblematic sports facilities: the Camp Nou
expansion (with a capacity of more than 100,000 spectators), the
building of the Miniestadi, the Palau Blaugrana, and so on. Barēa
janė siguruar edhe me objektet sportive simbolik: zgjerimi Camp Nou (me
njė kapacitet prej mė shumė se 100.000 shikues), ndėrtimin e
Miniestadi, Palau Blaugrana, dhe kėshtu me radhė.The
Nśńez era constitutes without any doubt the most brilliant sports
moment in the Barēa history: Basilea Cup Winner's Cup, the Spanish
League 1984-85, under Terry Venables, the Dream Team (1990-1994) under
Johan Cruyff (four consecutive Spanish Leagues, the Cup
Winners' Cup, the Spanish Cup and the Spanish Super Cup, and
the European Champions Cup at the Wembley Stadium). Epokė Nśńez
pėrbėn pa asnjė dyshim mė tė shkėlqyer sportive momenti nė historinė
Barēa: Basilea Cup Winner's Cup, Lidhjes spanjisht 1984-85, nėn Venables
Terry, Dream Team (1990-1994) nėn Johan Cruyff (katėr Federatat radhazi
nė spanjisht, Kupa Winners 'Cup, Kupa spanjolle dhe Super Cup
spanjisht, dhe e Kampioneve Kupa Evropiane nė stadiumin Wembley). Then
came Bobby Robson, who won the Cup Winner's Cup, the Spanish
Cup and the Spanish Super Cup in the 1996-97 season and Louis van
Gaal's consecutive League Titles in 1997-98 and 1998-99, when
the team won the double for the first time in 39 years. Pastaj
erdhi Bobby Robson, i cili fitoi Kupėn Fituesi i Kupės, Kupa spanjolle
dhe Super Cup spanjisht nė sezonin 1996-97 dhe tė njėpasnjėshme Louis
van Gaal e Lidhjes Titujt nė 1997-98 dhe 1998-99, kur ekipi fitoi
dyfishtė pėr herė tė parė nė 39 vjet. TODAY'S BARĒA Barēa TODAY'S
The FC Barcelona
is currently a sports entity which includes basketball, handball,
hockey, athletism, ice-hockey, figure skating, indoor football, rugby,
baseball, volleyball and women's football sections. FC Barcelona
ėshtė tashmė njė subjekt sportive e cila pėrfshin basketboll, hendboll,
hokej, athletism, hokej nė akull, patinazh artistik, futbolli shtėpie,
rugby, baseball, volejboll dhe pjesėt e grave tė futbollit. The football team are the only side to have qualified for European competition every year since its inauguration in 1955. Futbollit janė pala e vetme pėr tė kualifikuar pėr konkurrencė Evropian ēdo vit qė nga e inaugurimit tė saj nė 1955.There are now a total of 105,706 members and 1,508 supporters clubs. Ka tani njė total prej 105.706 anėtarė dhe 1.508 pėrkrahėsit e klubeve.
On the 29th of November 1899, Joan Gamper founded the Football Club Barcelona ( Barēa) . Mė 29 nėntor 1899, Joan Gamper themeluar Klubi Futbollit Barcelona (Barēa). Gamper chose the famous blue and claret as the team colours for they are the colours of the Swiss canton he came from. Gamper zgjodhi blu e famshme dhe verė e kuqe, si ngjyrat e ekipit pėr ata janė ngjyrat e kantonit zviceran ai erdhi nga. The myth was born: Kubala, Suįrez, Cruyff, Maradona and Ronaldinho, among many others, have signed up for this Club. Miti ka lindur: Kubala, Suįrez, Cruyff, Maradona dhe Ronaldinho, nė mesin e shumė tė tjerė, kanė nėnshkruar pėr kėtė Club. During the 20th century, "Barēa" has become a Barcelona symbol, a symbol that represents the Catalan identity as a nation. Gjatė shekullit tė 20, "Barēa" ėshtė bėrė njė simbol i Barcelonės, njė simbol qė pėrfaqėson identitetin Katalonje si njė komb. That's why it is said that "Barēa" is more than a Club. Kjo ėshtė arsyeja pse thuhet se "Barēa" ėshtė mė shumė se njė Club.[/b] THE MYTH IS BORN Mit ĖSHTĖ LINDUR
the Solé Gym office, on the 29th of November 1899, Gamper met Gualteri
Wild, Lluķs d'Ossó, Bartomeu Terrados, Otto Kunzle, Otto Maier, Enric
Ducal, Pere Cabot, Carles Pujol, Josep Llobet, John Parsons and William
Parsons. Nė zyrėn palestėr Sole, mė 29 nėntor 1899, Gamper u
takua Gualteri Wild, Lluķs d'Ossó, Bartomeu Terrados, Oto Kunzle, Otto
Maier, Enric Ducal, Pere Cabot, Carles Pujol, Josep Llobet, Xhon Parsons
dhe William Parsons. Eleven sportsmen gathered in order to found a football club. Njėmbėdhjetė sportistė u mblodhėn pėr tė gjetur njė klub futbolli. Gualteri Wild was appointed President. Gualteri Wild u emėrua President. The
1st match contested was at the Bonanova Cycle Track and they played
against a group of English expatriates who were living in Barcelona .
1 ndeshje kontestuar ishte nė Track Cikli Bonanova dhe ata luajtur
kundėr njė grup i gjuhės angleze e emigrantėve qė jetonin nė Barcelonė. The Englishmen won 1-0. Englishmen fitoi 1-0. On the 14th of March 1909, the Club inaugurated its 1st own ground at c/Indśstria, with a capacity for 6,000 people. Nė 14 mars 1909, Klubi i inauguroi vetė 1 e vet nė terren c / Indśstria, me njė kapacitet pėr 6.000 njerėz. At
that time, the Barcelona FC obtained their first victories: The Catalan
Championships: 1909-10, 1910-11, 1912-13, 1915-16, 1918-19 1919-20,
1920-21, 1921-22 and the Spanish Championships: 1909-10, 1911-12,
1912-13, 1919-20 and 1921-22. Nė atė kohė, FC Barcelona marrė
fitoret e tyre tė parė: kampionatin Katalonje: 1909-10, 1910-11,
1912-13, 1915-16, 1918-19 1919-20, 1920-21, 1921-22 dhe kampionatit
spanjoll : 1909-10, 1911-12, 1912-13, 1919-20 dhe 1921-22.
The Les Corts ground (also known as "The Cathedral of Football") was inaugurated on the 20th of May 1922. Terren Corts Les (e njohur edhe si "Katedralja e Futbollit") u pėrurua mė 20 maj 1922. That stadium had an initial capacity of 30,000 spectators but later doubled to 60,000. Ky stadium ka njė kapacitet fillestar prej 30.000 spektatorėsh, por mė vonė dyfishuar nė 60,000. In 1924 the Club had already 12,207 members and a big number of supporters laid the foundations of the current social mass. Nė 1924 kishte Klubi tashmė 12.207 anėtarė dhe njė numėr i madh i pėrkrahėsve tė hedhur themelet e mases aktuale sociale. During
the season 1928-1929, Barēa won brilliantly the 1st edition of the
Spanish National League Title and ended, therefore, a period full of
titles. Gjatė sezonit 1928-1929, Barēa fitoi edicionin e
shkėlqyeshėm 1 Titulli i Lidhjes Kombėtare spanjisht dhe pėrfundoi, pra,
njė periudhė plot me tituj. [b]THE 30'S 30'S
Joan Gamper died on the 30th of July 1930. Joan Gamper vdiq mė 30 korrik 1930. The
decade which was about to start had a fatal beginning and the Club
entered a period of decline: institutional crisis, many members left the
Club, bad sports results and the Franco's supporters political
pressure. Dekadė qė ishte gati tė fillojnė kishte njė fillim dhe
fatale Klubi hyrė nė njė periudhė rėnie: kriza institucionale, shumė
anėtarė tė majtė Club sportive keq rezultatet dhe mbėshtetėsit Franko
presion politik. The Civil War in 1936 had disastrous consequences for the FC Barcelona . Lufta civile nė 1936 pati pasoja shkatėrruese pėr FC Barcelona. Josep Suńol, President of the Club, was murdered by Franco's soldiers near Guadalajara. Josep Suńol, President i Klubit, u vra nga ushtarėt e Frankos pranė Guadalajara. However,
the Barēa kept alive and in 1936 decided to go on tour around Mexico
and the USA, fact that would help the Club financial problems.
Megjithatė, Barēa mbajtur gjallė dhe nė 1936 vendosi qė tė shkojė nė
turne rreth Meksika dhe SHBA-ve, fakt qė do tė ndihmojė problemet Club
financiare. In March 1938 the fascists dropped a bomb on the FC Barcelona Social Club and cause serious damage. Nė mars 1938 fashistėve rėnė njė bombė Club FC Barcelona sociale dhe shkaktojnė dėme serioze. In 1939, the Franco's troops created many problems to the Club because it had already become a symbol to the Catalan people.
Nė vitin 1939, trupat e Frankos krijuar probleme shumė tė Klubit sepse
ajo tashmė ishte bėrė njė simbol pėr popullin katalanisht. The number of members also dropped to 3,486. Numri i anėtarėve tė rėnė nė 3.486.
LA COPA LATINA (The Latin Cup) LA Copa LATINA (Kupa Latin)
During the 40's, Barēa gradually recovered despite their internal difficulties. Gjatė 40's, Barēa gradualisht veten pavarėsisht nga vėshtirėsitė e tyre tė brendshme. In
June 1943, the scandalous game against Madrid in the Chamartķn ground,
saw the Barca players threatened by referee and police and Pińeyro, a
fascist supporter, but honestly disgusted at the treatment his team had
received, resigned from the presidency of the Club (which he had held
since 1940). Nė qershor 1943, loja skandaloze kundėr Madridit nė
terren Chamartķn, pa lojtarėt Barēa kėrcėnuar nga arbitri dhe policia
dhe Pińeyro, njė pėrkrahės fashist, por i lodhur sinqerisht nė trajtimin
ekipi i tij kishte marrė, dha dorėheqjen nga presidenca e Klubit (qė
kishte mbajtur qė nga viti 1940). Better times were to come. Herė mė tė mira do tė vijnė. Barēa
won the National League Titles 1944-45, 1947-48 and 1948-49 and the
Latin Cup Title 1949, a competition which preceded the European
Champions Cup Title, the FC Barcelona 1st international success.
Barēa fitoi Lidhjes Kombėtare Titles 1944-45, 1947-48 dhe 1948-49 dhe
1949 Titulli Kupa Latine, njė konkurs qė i parapriu e Kampioneve Kupa
Evropiane Title, FC Barcelona 1 sukses ndėrkombėtar. It was the time of César, Basora, Velasco, Curta, the Gonzalvo brothers, Seguer, Biosca o Ramallets. Ishte koha e César, Basora, Velasco, Curta, vėllezėrit Gonzalvo, Seguer, Biosca o Ramallets. Barēa celebrated their 50th anniversary reaching member numbers of 24,893. Barēa festuan pėrvjetorin e tyre tė 50 tė arritur numrat e anėtar i 24.893. [b]KUBALA Kubala
Ladislao Kubala arrived in Barcelona in June 1950 and made the FC Barcelona become an unbeatable team thanks to their magic forward line: Basora, César, Kubala, Moreno and Manchón. Ladislao Kubala arriti nė Barcelonė, nė qershor 1950 dhe e bėri FC Barcelona tė bėhet njė ekip unbeatable nė sajė tė vijė magji e tyre pėrpara: Basora, César, Kubala, Moreno dhe Manchón. Between
1951 and 1953, Barēa won every competition on offer (Spanish Leagues
1951-52 and 1952-53 and Spanish Cups 1950-51, 1951-52 and 1952-53).
Midis 1951 dhe 1953, Barēa fitoi ēdo konkurs pėr ofertė (spanjisht
Federatat 1951-52 dhe 1952-53 dhe 1950-51 Spanish Cups, 1951-52 dhe
1952-53). From
that golden period, it is important to emphasize the season 1951-52, in
which they obtained the Five Cups: Spanish League, Spanish Cup, Latin
Cup Eva Duarte and Martini Rossi trophies. Nga kjo periudhė e
artė, ėshtė e rėndėsishme tė theksohet sezonin 1951-52, nė tė cilin e
kishin marrė Five Cups: Spanish League spanjisht Cup, latinisht Kupa Eva
Duarte dhe Martini Rossi trofe.
Kubala was too huge a figure for Les Corts and soon Francesc Miró-Sans promoted the building of the , which got inaugurated on the 24th September 1957. Kubala ishte njė figurė shumė e madhe pėr Corts Les dhe sė shpejti Francesc Miro-Sans promovoi ndėrtimin e Stadiumit Nou Camp, i cili u pėrurua mė 24 shtator 1957. The new stadium had a capacity of 90,000. Stadiumi i ri kishte njė kapacitet prej 90,000.Barēa
won the Spanish Leagues 1958-59 and 1959-60, and the Fairs' Cups
1957-1958 and 1959-60, coached by Helenio Herrera with such excellent
players as Kocsis, Czibor, Evaristo, Kubala, Eulogio Martķnez, Suįrez,
Villaverde, Olivella, Gensana, Segarra, Grącia, Vergés and Tejada.
Barēa fitoi Federatat spanjisht 1958-59 dhe 1959-60, dhe me gota tė
Panairet "1957-1958 dhe 1959-60, coached nga Helenio Herrera me lojtarė
tė tillė tė shkėlqyer si Kocsis, Czibor, Evaristo, Kubala, Eulogio
Martķnez, Suįrez, Villaverde, Olivella, Gensana, Segarra, Gracia, Verges
dhe Tejada. The 60's were a period of crisis (they won the Spanish Cups 1963 and 1968 and the Fairs' Cup 1966, only). 60 ishin njė periudhė tė krizės (ata fituan Kupat spanjisht 1963 dhe 1968 dhe Kupa Panairet '1966, vetėm). However, it was then that the sentence "more than a Club" was born. Megjithatė, ajo qė ishte atėherė fjalia "mė shumė se njė Klubi" ėshtė lindur. Barēa was over the sports level: the Club and its colours became a way to defend the Catalan national identity. Barēa ishte mbi nivel sportiv: Klubi dhe ngjyrat e tij u bė njė mėnyrė pėr tė mbrojtur identitetin kombėtar Catalan. [b]CRUYFF CRUYFF
1973, the signing of Dutch Johan Cruyff put the finishing touches to a
golden forward line of Rexach, Asensi, Cruyff, Sotil and Marcial, who
led the league winning side of 1973-74. Nė 1973, nėnshkrimin e
holandez, Johan Cruyff t'i prek pėrfunduar njė linjė e artė pėrpara e
Rexach, Asensi, Cruyff, Sotil dhe Marcial, i cili udhėhoqi fitues anėn e
ligė 1973-74. Coinciding
with the Club's 75th anniversary, there were now 69,566 members, making
it the most powerful sporting club in the World. Pėrkon me 75 vjetorin e Klubit, u tani ka 69.566 anėtarė, duke e bėrė atė klubin mė tė fuqishėm sportive nė Botė. Joan Miró did the commemorative poster of that event Joan Miro bėri poster pėrkujtimore tė kėsaj ngjarje [b]JOSEP LLUĶS NUŃEZ Josep Lluķs Nśńez
In 1978, Josep Lluķs Nśńez became President of the [b]FC Barcelona . Nė vitin 1978, Josep Lluķs Nśńez u bė Presidenti i FC Barcelona. The Club then began a considerable period of social and financial expansion. Klubi pastaj filloi njė periudhė tė konsiderueshme tė zgjerimit sociale dhe financiare. The increase in member numbers reached the 100,000 and many supporter's clubs were founded. Rritja nė numėr arriti nė 100,000 anėtar dhe pėrkrahės shumė klube ishin themeluar. The FC Barcelona was becoming the sports most important entity in the world. FC Barcelona ishte duke u bėrė entitet sportive mė tė rėndėsishme nė botė. Barēa
were also provided with emblematic sports facilities: the Camp Nou
expansion (with a capacity of more than 100,000 spectators), the
building of the Miniestadi, the Palau Blaugrana, and so on. Barēa
janė siguruar edhe me objektet sportive simbolik: zgjerimi Camp Nou (me
njė kapacitet prej mė shumė se 100.000 shikues), ndėrtimin e
Miniestadi, Palau Blaugrana, dhe kėshtu me radhė.The
Nśńez era constitutes without any doubt the most brilliant sports
moment in the Barēa history: Basilea Cup Winner's Cup, the Spanish
League 1984-85, under Terry Venables, the Dream Team (1990-1994) under
Johan Cruyff (four consecutive Spanish Leagues, the Cup
Winners' Cup, the Spanish Cup and the Spanish Super Cup, and
the European Champions Cup at the Wembley Stadium). Epokė Nśńez
pėrbėn pa asnjė dyshim mė tė shkėlqyer sportive momenti nė historinė
Barēa: Basilea Cup Winner's Cup, Lidhjes spanjisht 1984-85, nėn Venables
Terry, Dream Team (1990-1994) nėn Johan Cruyff (katėr Federatat radhazi
nė spanjisht, Kupa Winners 'Cup, Kupa spanjolle dhe Super Cup
spanjisht, dhe e Kampioneve Kupa Evropiane nė stadiumin Wembley). Then
came Bobby Robson, who won the Cup Winner's Cup, the Spanish
Cup and the Spanish Super Cup in the 1996-97 season and Louis van
Gaal's consecutive League Titles in 1997-98 and 1998-99, when
the team won the double for the first time in 39 years. Pastaj
erdhi Bobby Robson, i cili fitoi Kupėn Fituesi i Kupės, Kupa spanjolle
dhe Super Cup spanjisht nė sezonin 1996-97 dhe tė njėpasnjėshme Louis
van Gaal e Lidhjes Titujt nė 1997-98 dhe 1998-99, kur ekipi fitoi
dyfishtė pėr herė tė parė nė 39 vjet. TODAY'S BARĒA Barēa TODAY'S
The FC Barcelona
is currently a sports entity which includes basketball, handball,
hockey, athletism, ice-hockey, figure skating, indoor football, rugby,
baseball, volleyball and women's football sections. FC Barcelona
ėshtė tashmė njė subjekt sportive e cila pėrfshin basketboll, hendboll,
hokej, athletism, hokej nė akull, patinazh artistik, futbolli shtėpie,
rugby, baseball, volejboll dhe pjesėt e grave tė futbollit. The football team are the only side to have qualified for European competition every year since its inauguration in 1955. Futbollit janė pala e vetme pėr tė kualifikuar pėr konkurrencė Evropian ēdo vit qė nga e inaugurimit tė saj nė 1955.There are now a total of 105,706 members and 1,508 supporters clubs. Ka tani njė total prej 105.706 anėtarė dhe 1.508 pėrkrahėsit e klubeve.
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